


Crash Reporting

How to report an ISXEVE crash

Crash during extension load

If EVE crashes the instant that you load ISXEVE or if ISXEVE is working fine one day, and then not working the next day - and there was an EVE patch in-between these instances , then you need to do the following:
    • Wait for a new release of ISXEVE (isxeve.dll) that is time-stamped later than your current ExeFile.exe. If you're impatient, come on IRC and help test.

Installing WinDBG

  1. (easy way) Install WinDbg Preview from the Microsoft Store -
  2. (OR For developer types) Download a copy of 'WinDbg' from Microsoft at
  • Follow the instructions for 'Install Debugging Tools for Windows as a Standalone Component', unless you want the entire windows SDK (~400mb)

Running WinDbg

WinDbg link will be installed to the Start Menu under "Debugging Tools for Windows (x64)"
Start the x64 version, if regular Windbg, or if WinDbg preview, there's just Windbg (not marked)

Attaching WinDbg to the Game

You can play EVE with the debugger attached forever without harming your playing experience.
You'll want to make sure you're playing in the windowed mode, not full screen mode -- otherwise you won't be able to get to WinDbg when the crash occurs.
  1. Run WinDbg Before or after EVE loads, doesn't matter
  1. Hit 'F6' and select "exefile.exe" from the list. This can be done at any time, as long as EVE hasn't crashed yet
Debug Log
Execute the following commands in WinDbg, in the Command window 
  1. .sympath SRV*C:\Temp*
  2. .logopen /t c:\temp\isxeve_windbg.log

Hit 'F5' in WinDbg to resume EVE (until you press F5 EVE WILL BE HUNG)

  1. Run your normal EVE procedures, unless otherwise requested
After crashing, type these commands in WinDbg: (You won't be able to until the debugger breaks on an exception, like it will on a crash)
Note, if you're not crashing, but instead hanging, go to Debug, Break in WinDbg AS SOON AS POSSIBLE after the hang.
  1. kp
  1. r
  1. !DumpStack
  1. !analyze -v
  1. !analyze -v -hang (IF THIS IS A FREEZE/HANG, AND NOT A CRASH)
If this is for the extension, you go to 'Submitting the Crash Report' unless otherwise requested
If this is for a .NET application (Requested by a bot author), also run the following:
  1. ~0 kp
  1. ~0 r
  1. ~*e !DumpStack
  1. ~*e !DumpStackObjects
  1. !clrstack -a -i (if this results in an error, remove the -i)
  1. !Threads

Then export a crash dump with TODO + PLUS INSTRUCTIONS TO SEND LARGE DUMP


Submitting the Crash Report

Email the file(s) to isxeve AT -- this will reach Amadeus and CyberTech