Feature - New #1848
Questbot - Inventory Check Amount of Spots Free
This is a request for a new feature. It would be nice to have the ability to check how many inventory slots are available before executing an entire script just to find out 10-20 minutes later the questbot failed or can't progress due to your inventory being full. Please create a new Action to check the amount of inventory slots available, parameters should include the following:
1. For Who - Ex. Me.Name, All, Caster, etc.
2. Required Slots - 1,2,10,30, etc., if the required slots are not available, then spawn User Attention Box.
3. Failure Message - A User Attention Box should spawn, when this spawns the bot should stop the task(s).
Updated by bjcasey almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Implemented
Added an additional Parameter 2 for the QuestBot: Inventory_Info command.
- P2 = FreeSlots
- P3 (FreeSlots) = Number of free inventory slots required to continue.
- P4 (FreeSlots) = Message to display if the number of inventory slots is less than the set amount.
This will be available with Patch # 153.