Bug #1652
bj harvest
I've been having problems with inventory harvestables since Sunday. Characters keep talking to ponies or hhirelings over and over and never takes their loots
using 1.62 patch 133,,,,,im in my GH, says a default zone information file for GH does not exist type bj zi setup into the console and configure this zone........I do this but there is no option for GH and I don't know what to do here.
........waiting to pony...summoning pony...checking pony conversations options........i can see the option boxes but there is an error no such eq2test member label @${eq2uipage[proxyactor.conversation].child[text,chatpage.messatetext].label}
I have also been getting a problem where I click start and nothing at all happens, it just says status idle until i click stop
Updated by bjcasey over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback Required
This should be fixed now. Can you please confirm?
Updated by Silk over 8 years ago
I am still getting the same errors.
10:12:31: [Buffer:BJZoneInformation]: A default zone information file for [my guild hall] does not exist! Type BJ ZI Setup into the console and configure this zone.
10:12:33: Waiting for Pack Pony ability to be detected...
10:12:34: Checking pony conversation options...
Error:No such 'eq2text' member 'Label' @${EQ2UIPage[ProxyActor,Conversation].Child[Text,ChatPage.MessageText].Label}
10:13:18: Checking hireling conversation options...
Error:No such 'eq2text' member 'Label' @${EQ2UIPage[ProxyActor,Conversation].Child[Text,ChatPage.MessageText].Label}
Updated by bjcasey over 8 years ago
I forgot to upload the patch. :(
Sorry for the inconvenience. You should now be able to properly patch to:
ISXBJ Loading...
Version Information:
Build Date: 2016.07.14
Patch Version: 133