Feature - Enhancement #1590
Check Jetcan Prior to Looting
So here's the situation. I have my miners jetting to my looter who is grabbing cans without worry. Suddenly a friendly corp ship warps into the belt and starts jetcanning as well. The looter, being still fairly simple minded goes in and tractors/ loots the other player's can with complete indifference. Two minues and some very harsh words later I have my hauler ship and pod destroyed, my corp is very near to kicking me out and I'm very near to being discovered as botting.
So what can be done about this? IĀ purpose that each miner write the name of the jetcan to a shared list of jetcans in space, like an XML file. Upon acquiring said can the bot will delete the entry from the xml file and continue on its merry way. This will also do a good job of keeping track of lost cans as it could be possible to log belt names along with the cans to ensure stray cans are picked up.
Updated by Nerumph almost 9 years ago
I was able to do some more testing with this and found that both the hauler AND miners abuse non-fleet cans within the system.
The Miners will treat other people's cans as their own and the hauler will collect cans of other players. This is no matter which setting I use for either algorithm.