


Bug #1401


Added by LostOne almost 10 years ago.



Issue 1: I saw someone else mention this issue in IRC. If the toon isn't looking down and the dialog options are not visable on the screen the script will just get stuck on "Dees packs be full!  Take 'em from mes before I eats 'em!" over and over till the end of time. Ideal solution would be to adjust the toons view so that the dialog will always be visable. Now you might not want to mess with that or jack with the view people have on their toons. But at the very least the script should give up after x attempts at clicking the menu and move on. Right now it is a show stopper.

Issue 2: Gate to guild hall... this option doesn't work if my toon is camped in a raid/heroic instance. I would like to have the option to force all toons to always gate regardless of where they are.

Issue 3: Sometimes my toon will abort the camp when moving to the next person in the list for unknown reasons... maybe add a check and reissue the camp command if your not at the login screen within a reasonable time. If this happens it is also a show stopper.

Request: If/when you get around to looking at this it would nice to see this implemented as well:

  • Add account checking. If the next character in line is on the same account as the previous one, just do a /camp character instead of going to login screen.

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