Bug #1391
Brokenskull Bay: Bosun's Private Stock
- GR4 will now change campspot to Bosun Broogle's location in order to Take the Vials. They will return to the group campspot after.
I've run this with a couple of groups now... when G4 changes their camp spot they just take off for the back of the zone and die.
Updated by LostOne almost 10 years ago
I've run this a few more times... GR4 seems to set his new camp spot to the location of the giant guy. However, when you set this campspot the giant in the back of the zone at the top of the ramp. So GR4 goes running off to their death.
Updated by LostOne over 9 years ago
Here is the code I use as a workaround for this issue, it will keep the enchanter from running off to the back of the zone:
variable int WaitTimer=0
;end movement just before the Eggtender dies
if ${Actor[exactname,Eggtender Varogg](exists)} && ${Actor[exactname,Eggtender Varogg].Health} < 10
BJ End Movement
while ${Actor[exactname,Eggtender Varogg](exists)}
if ${Actor[exactname,Bosun Broogle](exists)} && ${Actor[exactname,Bosun Broogle].Health} < 26 && ${Actor[exactname,Bosun Broogle].Distance} < 20
wait 50
wait 10
while ${WaitTimer} < 360
BJ Movement
wait 50
LavishScript:ExecuteAtom[BJMovement_onIncomingChatText,15,Set up for BJ Pirate Event,${tank_name}]