


Bug #1383

Ssraeshza Temple: Unatu

Added by LostOne almost 10 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.



Unatu's stoneshatter is one-shotting some of my toons in weaker groups. Could you have the tank throw up an intercept on Unatu's target as he is casting stoneshatter? That seems to take care of the issue for me. Thanks


Updated by bjcasey almost 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Implemented

Coming in Patch # 110.

  • Ssraeshza Temple (Heroic)
    • Unatu
      • GR1 will now load an auto target list. The person that Unatu chooses will activate BJ Immunities with parameters of UseStoneskin and UseDeathIntervetions as true.

Updated by LostOne almost 10 years ago

Doesn't seem to be working... target is still getting one-shot.

Here is the console text:

[TOONNAME] Initiating BJ Immunities...
Is IC_Active: TRUE
Ignoring broadcast because Immunity Chain is already active and the broadcast wasn't for me.

That is from my tank's console who should be casting an intercept. Actually, all my toons show the same message. FYI


Updated by bjcasey almost 10 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Feature - Enhancement to Bug
  • Project changed from BJ Movement to BJScripts
  • Status changed from Implemented to New

Updated by bjcasey almost 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress

Updated by LostOne almost 10 years ago

Might be a bigger issue with this... I'm seeing the same error message on Pov Xin'Kaas and have to manually cast my blockers after we jump off the platform. FYI


Updated by bjcasey over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved

I think this was fixed a while ago and I forgot to close this down.  If it's still a problem you can repost it.

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