


Bug #1360

Bug with Inventory

Added by raster about 10 years ago. Updated almost 10 years ago.

Feedback Required
Broken Feature(s)


I have the following error with the inventory Price match function. 

It is pricing the items in the "Legend's Display Case" Capacity 30, broker fee reduction says 25%.

The script will unlist everything for sale there and then not relist them due to the error shown below. 

Item Number: 18 of 19
ItemName: wind elemental core
MyBrokerItemPrice: 380000.000000 // MyBrokerItemMerchantValue: 0.070000
17:15:35: Unlisting wind elemental core in order to price match.
BrokerItemBasePrice: 437500.000000 // BrokerItemCommisionPrice: 481250.000000 // BrokerItemCommisionFee: 10.00%
17:15:36: ERROR: My Broker Commission Fee is 15%. This number should not be possible. Report this error to bjcasey.


Updated by bjcasey almost 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback Required

In Patch # 110 I have added an additional debug message to help me narrow down why this is happening.  Look for the following message in your console:

ERROR[#]: Broker Commission Fee is ...

I need to know the value of the #.


Updated by bjcasey almost 10 years ago

Also, when you are selling something from that box and you click on the item in the broker search window, what does it say for the Commission % is?

Example: I have a Veteran Display case with ItemX.  I set the price and then search for it.  I click on the item in the search results and at the button of my broker window it shows that: "Commision is 10% for ..... markets."


Updated by raster almost 10 years ago

MyBrokerItemPrice: 0.000000 // MyBrokerItemMerchantValue: 0.070000
23:18:38: Unlisting Arf Ghav Keff in order to price match.
BrokerItemBasePrice: 6800.000000 // BrokerItemCommisionPrice: 7480.000000 // BrokerItemCommisionFee: 10.00%
23:18:39: ERROR[3]: My Broker Commission Fee is 15%. This number should not be possible. Report this error to bjcasey.
Item Number: 93 of 93
ItemName: Granite Clotl'thoa Idol
MyBrokerItemPrice: 0.000000 // MyBrokerItemMerchantValue: 0.070000
23:18:40: Unlisting Granite Clotl'thoa Idol in order to price match.
BrokerItemBasePrice: 5500.000000 // BrokerItemCommisionPrice: 6600.000000 // BrokerItemCommisionFee: 20.00%
23:18:41: ERROR[3]: My Broker Commission Fee is 15%. This number should not be possible. Report this error to bjcasey.

So Error number is 3.

In the Broker window it says the commision is 15%

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