


Feature - New #1295

Far Seas Crafting Instances

Added by dping28 over 10 years ago.

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There are group crafting instances that are giving out in the "Isle of Mara" zone by the Far Seas faction. (Lady upstairs from the bar - Madria Varas)
4 Quests (Level 50-80) that can only be done once a day - They change hourly:
Shipyard Services
Clockwork Rescue
Emergency Portal Repairs
Supply Stocking

Once you get the quest there are port stones you can purchase from the Far Seas Merchant (Koros Splinterlimb) down in the bar that takes you right to the zone in for the Instance.

Mission Stone of Firemyst
Mission Stone of Shipyard Cove
Mission Stone of Steamfont
Mission Stone of the Void

Return to Mara <-- Return port stone

*I dont expect this part to be automated just explaining the process in case you havent done these before *

** As far as I know only group members can get in your instance so you are pretty much alone except for your group **

Once you are in the instance theres an NPC with a subquest. You can turn this quest in up to 4 times if you need the Tradeskill XP or just make all the materials and turn in once.

Next to the NPC is a recipe book which you need to scribe for all the items you need to make for the sub quest.
There is a page also on the table that will show you how many items need to be made for each round of the instance (4 total)
All materials are free and provided in the instance by clickable items (Barrels, boxes, etc)
There are stations provided as well

Each round requires 3 of each item to be made so a total of 12 of each item will complete the instance

From what I read Mass Production does work in here so you could set it to 15 and be done with that one item

As a reward for these you get Tradeskill Jewelry, weapon and/or recipe books. Think there is even a possibility of rares.

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